Welcome! Bienvenido! 欢迎! Добро пожаловать! Hope you enjoy using these second language and EAL materials in your classroom, wherever in the world you are.
Welcome! Bienvenido! 欢迎! Добро пожаловать! Hope you enjoy using these second language and EAL materials in your classroom, wherever in the world you are.
Beginner Russian language picture flash cards for learning the family member vocabulary - PDF printable download including colorful pictures, Cyrillic script, pronunciation guide, double-sided, single-sided and English / Russian bilingual versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 21 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture, Cyrillic script and English pronunciation.
Double-sided version with the pictures and Cyrillic script only.
Single-sided version with the Russian Cyrillic word under the picture on the same image.
English and Russian words only version, without pictures - great for matching practice!
Topic: Family
Vocabulary included:
cousin (female)
cousin (male)
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
If you found these useful, please leave a quick review with your suggestion for the next topic we create!
Beginner German picture flashcards for learning sports and hobbies vocabulary - team sports, activities, extreme and outdoor sports! Perfect for group games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 35 A4 pages of picture flash cards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture/symbol, German word and English
Double-sided version with the picture/symbol and German only
Single-sided version with the German word under the picture/symbol on the same image
English and German text only version, without pictures/symbols
Topic: Sports, Hobbies, Activities
Vocabulary included:
Fußball spielen - play football
Basketball spielen - play basketball
Baseball spielen - play baseball
Volleyball spielen - play volleyball
Tennis spielen - play tennis
Eishockey spielen - play ice hockey
Schlittschuh laufen - ice skating
Kampfsport - martial arts
Rollschuh laufen - roller skating
Bogenschießen - archery
Golf spielen - play golf
Surfen - surfing
Laufen gehen - running
Amerikanischer Fußball - American football
Boxen - boxing
Gewichtheben - weightlifting
Speer - javelin
Ski fahren - skiing
Schwimmen gehen - swimming
Tauchen - diving
Wasserball spielen - play water polo
Snowboarden gehen - snowboarding
klettern - climbing
Skateboard fahren - skateboarding
Kajak fahren - kayaking
Windsurfen gehen - windsurfing
Wasserski fahren - waterskiing
Radfahren - cycling
Turnen - gymnastics
Drachen Fliegen - hang gliding
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
If you find these useful a review would be much appreciated!
Beginner Spanish poster/reference print out and word search activity to learn transport and vehicles.
This 4 page printable PDF includes:
12 colorful pictures with the article and Spanish word and the English translation - can be used as a reference or poster.
The 12 pictures and the Spanish without the English.
A word search puzzle for students to recall and practice the vocabulary
Answer key to the word search
If you found this product useful, please leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time!
Leaving a quick review is very much appreciated by the Teacher-Authors who share materials, and can earn you Free Credits to use towards future purchases!
New Spanish, English and other language learning products are always discounted or FREE when first added to the store, so don’t forget to follow Discover Languages if you don’t want to miss out!
Includes both:
Spanish & English bilingual version
Spanish only version
for teaching vocabulary, flashcards games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 16 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - a total of 24 different types of clothing and fashion accessories!
The first version includes the Spanish and English, and the second version contains the Spanish keyword only.
Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword in a large font.
Topic: Clothes / La Ropa
Vocabulary included:
la camiseta - the T-shirt
El vestido - the dress
La camisa - the shirt
Los pantalones - the pants
El suéter - the sweater
Los calcetines - the socks
La chaqueta - the jacket
Los vaqueros - the jeans
los pantalones cortos - the shorts
Los zapatos - the shoes
el chaleco - the vest
el cinturón - the belt
los guantes - the gloves
el sombrero - the hat
la mochila - the backpack
el bolso - the handbag
las gafas de sol - the sunglasses
las sandalias - the sandals
la bufanda - the scarf
el reloj - the watch
los aretes - the earrings
el collar - the necklace
la pajarita - the bowtie
las botas - the boots
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Includes both:
Spanish & English bilingual version
Spanish only version
for teaching vocabulary, flashcards games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 20 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - a total of 30 different jobs and occupations.
The first version includes the Spanish and English, and the second version contains the Spanish keyword only.
Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the l left, alongside a square with the keyword in a large font.
Topic: Ocupaciones / Occupations
Vocabulary included:
Doctor / doctor
Postal worker / cartero
Firefighter / bombero
Farmer / granjero
Teacher / profesor
Plumber / plomero
Cleaner / limpiador
Surgeon / cirujano
Writer / escritor
Police officer / Oficial de policía
Server / servidor
Business person / persona de negocios
Judge / juez
Architect / arquitecto
Construction worker / obrero
Pilot / piloto
Chef / cocinero
Director / director
Photographer / fotógrafo
Musician / músico
Athlete / atleta
Nurse / enfermera
Flight attendant / auxiliar de vuelo
Journalist / periodista
Tour guide / agente de viajes
Driver / conductor
Artist / artista
Sailor / marinero
Captain / capitán
Soldier / soldado
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Includes both:
Spanish & English bilingual version
Spanish only version
for teaching vocabulary, flashcards games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 14 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - a total of 21 different transport keywords.
The first version includes the Spanish and English, and the second version contains the Spanish keyword only.
Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword in a large font.
Topic: Vehicles / Transport - Los vehiculos / El transporte
Vocabulary included:
Car / el coche
Bus / el autobús
Airplane / el avión
Taxi / el taxi
Train / el tren
Yacht / el yate
Sailboat / el velero
Hot Air Balloon / el globo de aire caliente
Forklift / el carretilla
Van / la furgoneta
Helicopter / el helicóptero
Truck / el camión
Bicycle / la bicicleta
Scooter / el scooter
Skateboard / el patinador
Roller Blades / los patines
Go Kart / el kart
Motorbike / la motocicleta
Police Car / el coche de la policía
Ambulance / la ambulancia
Firetruck / el camión de bomberos
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Includes both:
Spanish & English bilingual version
Spanish only version
for teaching vocabulary, flashcards games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 12 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - a total of 18 different keywords related to Christmas and Winter.
The first version includes the Spanish and English, and the second version contains the Spanish keyword only.
Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword in a large font.
Topic: Christmas / La Navidad
Vocabulary included:
Christmas Tree / el árbol de Navidad
Stocking / el calcetín navideño
Presents / los regalos
Bells / las campanas
Candy cane / el bastón de caramelo
Antlers / las astas
Holly / el acebo
Bauble / la chuchería
Hot chocolate / el chocolate caliente
Snowman / el muñeco de nieve
Gingerbread House / la casa de pan de jengibre
Santa Claus / Papá Noel
Gingerbread Man / el hombre de jengibre
Lights / las luces
Wreath / la corona
Candy / el caramelo
Reindeer / el reno
Sleigh / el trineo
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Includes both:
Spanish & English bilingual version
Spanish only version
for teaching vocabulary, flashcards games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 10 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - a total of 15 basic 2D shapes.
The first version includes the Spanish and English, and the second version contains the Spanish keyword only.
Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword in a large font.
Topic: Shapes / Las Formas
Vocabulary included:
Circulo / circle
Óvalo / oval
Cuadrado / square
Triángulo / triangle
Rectángulo / rectangle
Estrella / star
Corazón / heart
Rombo / rhombus
Pentágono / pentagon
Hexágono / hexagon
Heptágono / heptagon
Octágono / octagon
Trapezoide / trapezoid
Cruz / cross
Semicírculo / semi-circle
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Spanish & English bilingual flashcards for teaching vocabulary, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 10 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - 30 farm animals and zoo animals in total. Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the Spanish and English keyword.
**Topic: Animals - Los Animales
Vocabulary included:**
cat - el gato
dog - el perro
rabbit - el conejo
pig - el cerdo
sheep - la oveja
hen - la gallina
mouse - el ratón
cow - la vaca
duck - el pato
goat - la cabra
bull - el toro
turkey - el pavo
rooster - el gallo
horse - el caballo
donkey - el burro
elephant - el elefante
giraffe - el jirafa
hippo - el hipopótamo
lion - el león
gorilla - el gorila
monkey - el mono
tiger - el tigre
zebra - la cebra
kangaroo - el canguro
crocodile - el cocodrilo
camel - el camello
ostrich - el avestruz
rhino - el rinoceronte
antelope - el antílope
panther - la pantera
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Check out the Discover Languages Store for more Spanish Languages teaching materials!
Spanish & English bilingual flashcards for teaching vocabulary, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 7 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - 21 different fruits in total. Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the Spanish and English keyword.
Topic: Fruit / Las Frutas
Vocabulary included:
apple - la manzana
orange - la naranja
pear - la pera
watermelon - la sandia
lemon - el limón
kiwi - el kiwi
banana - el plátano
grapes - las uvas
strawberry - la fresa
pomegranate - la granada
avocado - el aguacate
coconut - el coco
starfruit - la carambola
mango - el mango
pineapple - la piña
peach - el durazno
cherry - la cereza
papaya - la papaya
raspberry - la frambuesa
plum - la ciruela
mangosteen - el mangostán
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Check out the Discover Languages Store for more Spanish and other language teaching material!
Includes both:
Spanish & English bilingual version
Spanish only version
for teaching vocabulary, flashcards games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 26 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - a total of 39 keywords.
The first version includes the Spanish and English, and the second version contains the Spanish keyword only.
Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword in a large font.
Topic: Los números y símbolos matemáticos básicos / Numbers and Basic Math symbols
Vocabulary included:
0 - cero
1 - uno
2 - dos
3 - tres
4 - cuatro
5 - cinco
6 - seis
7 - siete
8 - ocho
9 - nueve
10 - diez
11 - once
12 - doce
13 - trece
14 - catorce
15 - quince
16 - dieciséis
17 - diecisiete
18 - dieciocho
19 - diecinueve
20 - veinte
30 - treinta
40 - cuarenta
50 - cincuenta
60 - sesenta
70 - setenta
80 - ochenta
90 - noventa
100 - cien
1000 - mil
1/2 - una mitad
1/3 - un tercio
1/4 - un cuarto
plus - más
minus - menos
is equal to - es igual a
multiply - multiplicar
divide - dividir
percent - por ciento
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
TPT Reviewer Victoria2020 says:
" 5/5 Extremely satisfied
These cards are a great size for games in groups. Would recommend :)"
Includes both:
Spanish & English bilingual version
Spanish only version
for teaching vocabulary, flashcards games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 14 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - the days of the week, and the months of the year.
The first version includes the Spanish and English, and the second version contains the Spanish keyword only.
Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword in a large font.
Topic: Days and Months / Los dias y los meses
Vocabulary included:
Monday - lunes
Tuesday - martes
Wednesday - miércoles
Thursday - jueves
Friday - viernes
Saturday - sábado
Sunday - domingo
The weekend - el fin de semana
The workdays - los dias laborables
January - enero
February - febrero
March - marzo
April - abril
May - mayo
June - junio
July - julio
August - agosto
September - septiembre
October - octubre
November - noviembre
December - diciembre
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Search Terms: Spanish flash cards, days of the week in Spanish, months of the year, Spanish teaching materials, spanish class, beginner spanish, spanish picture cards, spanish word wall, everyday spanish, days in spanish
Includes both:
Spanish & English bilingual version
Spanish only version
for teaching vocabulary, flashcards games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 20 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - a total of 30 different sports, water sports and extreme sports.
The first version includes the Spanish and English, and the second version contains the Spanish keyword only.
Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword in a large font.
Topic: Sports / Los Deportes
Vocabulary included:
Football / fútbol
Basketball / baloncesto
Baseball / béisbol
Volleyball / vóleibol
Tennis / tenis
Ice-hockey / hockey sobre hielo
Ice-skating / patinaje sobre hielo
Martial Arts / artes marciales
Roller blading / patinar
Archery / tiro al arco
Golf / golf
Surfing / surf
Athletics / atletismo
American Football / fútbol americano
Boxing / boxeo
Weightlifting / levantamiento de pesas
Javelin / jabalina
Skiing / esquí
Swimming / natación
Diving / salto
Water Polo / polo acuático
Snowboarding / snowboarding
Rock Climbing / escalada de roca
Skateboarding / patineta
Kayaking / kayak
Windsurfing / windsurf
Water skiing / esquí acuático
Cycling / ciclismo
Gymnastics / gymnastico
Parasailing / parasailing
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Includes both:
Spanish & English bilingual version
Spanish only version
for teaching vocabulary, flashcards games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 10 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - a total of 15 different feelings and emotions.
The first version includes the Spanish and English, and the second version contains the Spanish keyword only.
Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword in a large font.
Topic: Sentimientos y Emociones / Feelings and Emotions
Vocabulary included:
good - bien
happy - feliz
not good - no bien
angry - enojado
sad - triste
tired - cansado
sick - enfermo
excited - emocionado
afraid - asustado
so-so - regular
confused - confuso
surprised - sorprendido
embarrassed - avergonzado
uncomfortable - incómodo
bored - aburrido
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Includes both:
Spanish & English bilingual version
Spanish only version
for teaching vocabulary, flashcards games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 12 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - a total of 18 weather and seasons words!
The first version includes the Spanish and English, and the second version contains the Spanish keyword only.
Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword in a large font.
Topic: The Weather and The Seasons / El Clima y Las Estaciones
Vocabulary included:
la primavera - the Spring
el verano - the Summer
el otoño - the Fall
el invierno - the Winter
el sol - the sun
la nube - the cloud
la lluvia - the rain
hechizos soleados - sunny spells
la nieve - the snow
la tormenta - the storm
la aguanieve - the sleet
el viento - the wind
calor - hot
frío - cold
cálido - warm
fresco - cool
el granizo - the hail
el arcoiris - the rainbow
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Search Terms: Spanish vocabulary, Spanish seasons, Spanish weather, weather in spanish, the seasons in spanish, teaching spanish vocabulary, beginner spanish, spanish for kids, spanish for children, spanish pictures cards, spanish weather display, el tiempo, el clima, las estaciones
Beginner Russian and Russian/English bilingual printable posters and a fill in the blank worksheet to learn the Months of the Year. Great or those learning the basics in Russian, or for Russian native speakers who are learning English.
This printable PDF includes:
12 colorful pictures with the Russian vocabulary and the English translation which can be used as a reference sheet or wall display.
The same poster with the Russian only, no translation.
The 12 pictures with blank spaces for students to write the vocabulary words themselves.
If you found this product useful, please leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time!
Leaving a quick review is very much appreciated by the Teacher-Authors who share materials!
New Russian, English and other language learning products are always discounted or FREE when first added to the store, so don’t forget to follow Discover Languages if you don’t want to miss out!
Beginner Russian language picture flash cards, with Russian & English Bilingual version, for learning the seasons and weather vocabulary!
четыре времени года и погода
PDF printable download including colorful pictures, Cyrillic script, pronunciation guide, double-sided, single-sided and English / Russian bilingual versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 27 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture, Cyrillic script and English translation.
Double-sided version with the pictures, Cyrillic script, and the phonetic pronunciation.
Double-sided version with the pictures and Cyrillic script only.
Single-sided version with the Russian Cyrillic word under the picture on the same image.
English and Russian words only version, without pictures - great for matching practice!
Topic: Seasons and Weather четыре времени года и погода
Vocabulary included:
partly cloudy
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
If you find these useful, a quick review would be very much appreciated! :)
Includes both:
Spanish & English bilingual version
Spanish only version
for teaching vocabulary, flashcards games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 10 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - 15 rooms and parts of the house.
The first version includes the Spanish and English, and the second version contains the Spanish keyword only.
Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword in a large font.
Topic: The Rooms of the House / Las Habitaciones de la Casa
Vocabulary included:
el dormitorio - the bedroom
la cocina - the kitchen
el salón - the living room
el baño - the bathroom
la guardería - the nursery
el porche - the porch
el comedor - the dining room
la oficina - the office
el ático - the attic
el jardín - the garden
el garaje - the garage
el balcón - the balcony
las escaleras - the stairs
el pasillo - the hall
el sótano - the basement
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Check out the Discover Languages Store for more Spanish teaching materials, including flashcards for teaching numbers, animals, family members, food and more!
ANIMALS - [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-flash-cards-animals-los-animales-12606677]
FEELINGS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-flashcards-feelings-and-emotions-sentimientos-12624336
FRUITS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-flash-cards-fruits-las-frutas-12607814
Learning beginner Spanish vocabulary to get around the city and ask for directions?
This PDF printable includes 5 pages:
12 colorful pictures of different shops and places in town with the Spanish article and vocabulary.
Bilingual poster with the 12 pictures, Spanish and English translation printed underneath.
The 12 pictures with blank spaces for students to write the vocabulary themselves.
A wordsearch activity for students to search for the 12 Spanish vocabulary words.
An answer key for the wordsearch.
If you found this product useful, please leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time!
Leaving a quick review is very much appreciated by the Teacher-Authors who share materials. New Spanish and other products are always discounted or FREE when first added to the store, so don’t forget to follow Discover Languages if you don’t want to miss out!
Learning beginner Mandarin Chinese to get around town and ask for directions?
This PDF printable includes 5 pages:
12 colorful pictures of different shops and places in town with the Simplified Chinese Character and the pinyin pronunciation printed underneath.
The 12 locations with the Simplified Chinese Character only printed underneath.
The 12 pictures with boxes for students to write the characters in themselves
A wordsearch activity for students to search for the pinyin pronunciation of each of the vocabulary words.
An answer key for the wordsearch.
If you found this product useful, please leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time!
Leaving a quick review is very much appreciated by the Teacher-Authors who share materials, and can earn you Free Credits towards future purchases!
New Chinese and other products are always discounted or FREE when first added to the store, so don’t forget to follow Discover Languages if you don’t want to miss out!